The School Day

Please make sure that the school office has all the relevant paperwork and information regarding your child; let us know of any changes in circumstances, contact details, lunch choices, medical updates etc. so that we are well-prepared for the children. 

The School Day

In the morning, the gates will open at 8.40am and close promptly at 8.55am. Please do not arrive earlier than 8.40am to queue because this will upset our neighbours. At the end of the day, the gates will open at 3.10pm and close at 3.35pm. Again, please do not arrive and queue outside the school site earlier than 3.10pm.

Nursery: 9.00-12.00 or 9.00-3.00 (access via pedestrian gate at front of school to Nursery door)

Children in nursery should be brought and collected from the main nursery door*. The nursery door will open at 8.55am and parents should queue along the pathway leading up to the nursery. At midday children attending the morning session should be collected from the nursery door and those children staying for the afternoon session should be collected at 3pm*.

*Unless they are attending Breakfast or RASCals clubs – entry is round the back of the school through the Ash Room door – please access via the main entrance and walk across the car park & main playground.

Reception: 8.50 – 3.15

Key Stage 1 (Y1 & Y2): 8.50 – 3.15 

Key Stage 2 (Y3 - Y6): 8.50 – 3.25

Parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should bring and collect their child to and from their classroom door.

Parents of children in KS2 should bring and collect their child to and from the KS2 playground.

Collecting at the end of the School Day

All 3 pedestrian gates are unlocked from 3:10pm (starting at Corinium Gate) and are locked again at 3:35pm. 

At the end of the school day children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should be collected from their classroom door. Children in KS2 should be collected from the KS2 playground. The year groups will line up in order with Year 3 lining up nearest their classroom block and Year 6 lining up nearest the hall.

Parents collecting younger siblings should walk up and wait on the edge of the main KS2 playground and parents collecting only children from KS2 should enter via the Waitrose gate and wait in the same area.

If children in Year 6 are walking home alone please email your permission in writing, otherwise we will not allow children to walk home without an adult. In the summer term, children in Year 5 may also walk home from school with parental permission. In both cases, we ask that an adult is at home to meet children.

Please note we do not allow younger siblings to walk home with Year 6 children and once the clocks change children in Year 6 attending an after school club must be collected by an adult (eg. at 4.30pm).

Children attending Little RASCals or RASCals will be collected from their classrooms (or from an after-school club if attending first) by RASCals staff.

Things to bring to school everyday:

  • Clearly named water bottle containing water (NOT juice – children will not be permitted to drink juice throughout the day in school)
  • Clearly named lunch box (if bringing own lunch to school – NO nuts or nut products please & lunch boxes should contain a healthy, balanced meal, NO sweets or chocolate please)
  • KS2 children may bring a ‘healthy’ snack to school for morning break (a piece of fruit / cereal bar / crackers etc – preferably not crisps) (Children in EYFS & KS1 are provided with fruit from the government scheme)
  • Reception & KS1 children will need to bring their school bookbag to school every day, containing their reading book, reading record and phonics pack (No rucksacks please as bookbags are stored in the group reading boxes)
  • KS2 children may bring a small bag / rucksack to school, containing their reading book, reading record etc)
  • A named coat / sunhat / accessories according to the weather
  • Children in EYFS & KS1 may choose to keep a small draw string bag on their peg with spare clothes (this does not need to be uniform just something they can change into if they have a toilet accident)

PE lessons

Children should wear their PE kit to school on the relevant day.



The School Day

Please make sure that the school office has all the relevant paperwork and information regarding your child; let us know of any changes in circumstances, contact details, lunch choices, medical updates etc. so that we are well-prepared for the children. 

The School Day

In the morning, the gates will open at 8.40am and close promptly at 8.55am. Please do not arrive earlier than 8.40am to queue because this will upset our neighbours. At the end of the day, the gates will open at 3.10pm and close at 3.35pm. Again, please do not arrive and queue outside the school site earlier than 3.10pm.

Nursery: 9.00-12.00 or 9.00-3.00 (access via pedestrian gate at front of school to Nursery door)

Children in nursery should be brought and collected from the main nursery door*. The nursery door will open at 8.55am and parents should queue along the pathway leading up to the nursery. At midday children attending the morning session should be collected from the nursery door and those children staying for the afternoon session should be collected at 3pm*.

*Unless they are attending Breakfast or RASCals clubs – entry is round the back of the school through the Ash Room door – please access via the main entrance and walk across the car park & main playground.

Reception: 8.50 – 3.15

Key Stage 1 (Y1 & Y2): 8.50 – 3.15 

Key Stage 2 (Y3 - Y6): 8.50 – 3.25

Parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should bring and collect their child to and from their classroom door.

Parents of children in KS2 should bring and collect their child to and from the KS2 playground.

Collecting at the end of the School Day

All 3 pedestrian gates are unlocked from 3:10pm (starting at Corinium Gate) and are locked again at 3:35pm. 

At the end of the school day children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should be collected from their classroom door. Children in KS2 should be collected from the KS2 playground. The year groups will line up in order with Year 3 lining up nearest their classroom block and Year 6 lining up nearest the hall.

Parents collecting younger siblings should walk up and wait on the edge of the main KS2 playground and parents collecting only children from KS2 should enter via the Waitrose gate and wait in the same area.

If children in Year 6 are walking home alone please email your permission in writing, otherwise we will not allow children to walk home without an adult. In the summer term, children in Year 5 may also walk home from school with parental permission. In both cases, we ask that an adult is at home to meet children.

Please note we do not allow younger siblings to walk home with Year 6 children and once the clocks change children in Year 6 attending an after school club must be collected by an adult (eg. at 4.30pm).

Children attending Little RASCals or RASCals will be collected from their classrooms (or from an after-school club if attending first) by RASCals staff.

Things to bring to school everyday:

  • Clearly named water bottle containing water (NOT juice – children will not be permitted to drink juice throughout the day in school)
  • Clearly named lunch box (if bringing own lunch to school – NO nuts or nut products please & lunch boxes should contain a healthy, balanced meal, NO sweets or chocolate please)
  • KS2 children may bring a ‘healthy’ snack to school for morning break (a piece of fruit / cereal bar / crackers etc – preferably not crisps) (Children in EYFS & KS1 are provided with fruit from the government scheme)
  • Reception & KS1 children will need to bring their school bookbag to school every day, containing their reading book, reading record and phonics pack (No rucksacks please as bookbags are stored in the group reading boxes)
  • KS2 children may bring a small bag / rucksack to school, containing their reading book, reading record etc)
  • A named coat / sunhat / accessories according to the weather
  • Children in EYFS & KS1 may choose to keep a small draw string bag on their peg with spare clothes (this does not need to be uniform just something they can change into if they have a toilet accident)

PE lessons

Children should wear their PE kit to school on the relevant day.



The School Day

Please make sure that the school office has all the relevant paperwork and information regarding your child; let us know of any changes in circumstances, contact details, lunch choices, medical updates etc. so that we are well-prepared for the children. 

The School Day

In the morning, the gates will open at 8.40am and close promptly at 8.55am. Please do not arrive earlier than 8.40am to queue because this will upset our neighbours. At the end of the day, the gates will open at 3.10pm and close at 3.35pm. Again, please do not arrive and queue outside the school site earlier than 3.10pm.

Nursery: 9.00-12.00 or 9.00-3.00 (access via pedestrian gate at front of school to Nursery door)

Children in nursery should be brought and collected from the main nursery door*. The nursery door will open at 8.55am and parents should queue along the pathway leading up to the nursery. At midday children attending the morning session should be collected from the nursery door and those children staying for the afternoon session should be collected at 3pm*.

*Unless they are attending Breakfast or RASCals clubs – entry is round the back of the school through the Ash Room door – please access via the main entrance and walk across the car park & main playground.

Reception: 8.50 – 3.15

Key Stage 1 (Y1 & Y2): 8.50 – 3.15 

Key Stage 2 (Y3 - Y6): 8.50 – 3.25

Parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should bring and collect their child to and from their classroom door.

Parents of children in KS2 should bring and collect their child to and from the KS2 playground.

Collecting at the end of the School Day

All 3 pedestrian gates are unlocked from 3:10pm (starting at Corinium Gate) and are locked again at 3:35pm. 

At the end of the school day children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should be collected from their classroom door. Children in KS2 should be collected from the KS2 playground. The year groups will line up in order with Year 3 lining up nearest their classroom block and Year 6 lining up nearest the hall.

Parents collecting younger siblings should walk up and wait on the edge of the main KS2 playground and parents collecting only children from KS2 should enter via the Waitrose gate and wait in the same area.

If children in Year 6 are walking home alone please email your permission in writing, otherwise we will not allow children to walk home without an adult. In the summer term, children in Year 5 may also walk home from school with parental permission. In both cases, we ask that an adult is at home to meet children.

Please note we do not allow younger siblings to walk home with Year 6 children and once the clocks change children in Year 6 attending an after school club must be collected by an adult (eg. at 4.30pm).

Children attending Little RASCals or RASCals will be collected from their classrooms (or from an after-school club if attending first) by RASCals staff.

Things to bring to school everyday:

  • Clearly named water bottle containing water (NOT juice – children will not be permitted to drink juice throughout the day in school)
  • Clearly named lunch box (if bringing own lunch to school – NO nuts or nut products please & lunch boxes should contain a healthy, balanced meal, NO sweets or chocolate please)
  • KS2 children may bring a ‘healthy’ snack to school for morning break (a piece of fruit / cereal bar / crackers etc – preferably not crisps) (Children in EYFS & KS1 are provided with fruit from the government scheme)
  • Reception & KS1 children will need to bring their school bookbag to school every day, containing their reading book, reading record and phonics pack (No rucksacks please as bookbags are stored in the group reading boxes)
  • KS2 children may bring a small bag / rucksack to school, containing their reading book, reading record etc)
  • A named coat / sunhat / accessories according to the weather
  • Children in EYFS & KS1 may choose to keep a small draw string bag on their peg with spare clothes (this does not need to be uniform just something they can change into if they have a toilet accident)

PE lessons

Children should wear their PE kit to school on the relevant day.

