Who's in the Office?
Mrs Sharon Calverley, School Business Manager
Mrs Michelle Kelsey
Mrs Lucinda Clark
Mrs Fiona Gow
We are here to help you and your child with any queries that you may have. Do not hesitate to telephone or pop in if you have any problems that you think we can help with. As you will appreciate the office is very busy so please bear with us during rush hour times!
You may find that your questions can be answered on the website too; check the published pages, the calendar or use the 'search' tool
Absences and Holidays
Please refer to our Attendance/Absence page
Changes to the end-of-day routine
Please inform us as soon as possible if you are going to be late collecting your child so that a message can be relayed to their teacher. If you are not able to collect your child and they are to be collected by another adult please ensure that the school office and /or their class teacher is aware of this.
Contact details
If there should be any change to your contact details (including the details of any emergency contacts), please inform the school office as soon as possible, as the details must be current in case of an emergency.
We operate an open door policy - if you need to talk to the teacher, we would prefer you do this after school, as teachers are very busy preparing for the school day in the morning. We hold our staff meetings every Tuesday at 3:30pm so would ask if you could avoid this day. If you wish to write a short message to the teacher, please hand a note in or email the office who will forward it on.
Lost Property
We do not hold a lost property box. Named items are returned to the child's class and unnamed items are held for 1 week and then disposed of. Please ensure you name every item that your child brings to school.
We are a 'cashless' school and, as such, our preferred payment method is via School Gateway; please contact the office if you have difficulty using this website or the accompanying app.
Office Meeting
The team hold a short weekly meeting on Monday mornings at 11:00am so if you can avoid phoning or visiting at that time, we would appreciate it.